
Equipotential surfaces and electric fields for substation




This paper proposes a new theoretical – graphical digital simulator based on electromagnetic theoryprinciples, to evaluate the Corona Effect inside a substation environment, where EHV transmission linesand other energized elements get close to each other and to substation grounded structures. The CoronaEffect appears more intensively when the natural insulating medium, the air, is contaminated byatmospheric effects, vegetal or animal or mineral materials, or any dirtiness, etc., decreasing its dielectricstrength. In this case the electric field intensity at the conductor surface could be over a critical airdisruptive electric field (E_0), which is calculated with the Peek's formula and Corona Effect appears withsome contaminant effects such as a luminous halo around the conductor, radio interference, audible noiseand sulphurous gases. This new method proceeds drawing substation equipotential surfaces Vxy anddefining electric field Exy for all xy points over a substation chosen cut plane in order to determine theE_(max) value at the substation conductive surfaces. The method applies quite effectively to Corona Effectstudy at HV and EHV substations and it efficiently combines theoretical principles with practicalapplications for substation design.
机译:本文提出了一种新的理论-基于电磁理论的图形数字模拟器 原理,以评估变电站环境中的电晕效应,在该环境中,超高压输电线路 和其他带电元件彼此靠近,并且靠近变电站接地结构。电晕 当天然绝缘介质(空气)受到以下物质的污染时,效果会更加强烈 大气影响,植物,动物或矿物材料或任何脏物等,降低了其介电常数 力量。在这种情况下,导体表面的电场强度可能超过临界空气 用Peek公式计算出的破坏性电场(E_0)随即出现电晕效应 一些污染物的影响,例如导体周围的光晕,无线电干扰,可听见的噪声 和含硫气体。这种新方法继续绘制变电站的等势面Vxy和 为变电站选择的切割平面上的所有xy点定义电场Exy,以确定 变电站导电表面的E_(max)值。该方法非常有效地应用于电晕效应 在HV和EHV变电站进行研究,它有效地将理论原理与实际操作相结合 变电站设计的应用程序。



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