首页> 外文会议>Water, Engineering and Development Centre;National University of Civil Engineering;WEDC international conference >Why faecal sludge management matters and what needs to be done to serve poor communities better

Why faecal sludge management matters and what needs to be done to serve poor communities better




This paper outlines findings and recommendations of a faecal sludge management (FSM) study in 12cities, and looks at the need for FSM in poor communities. The study used secondary data from 12 citiesin low and middle-income countries, to assess the institutional context and estimate outcomes in terms ofsafely managed faecal sludge. None of the cities managed faecal sludge effectively, althoughperformance varied. Where the cities do address faecal sludge the solutions are partial, and tend to focuson sewerage systems which serve a minority. FSM requires strong city-level oversight and an enablingenvironment that drives coordinated actions along the sanitation service chain; and this was largelyabsent. This paper also looks at the sanitation services used by poor people and the FSM services theyneed, to provide an understanding of priority FSM challenges and as a means to identify solutions.
机译:本文概述了粪便污泥管理(FSM)研究中的发现和建议12 城市,并研究贫困社区对FSM的需求。该研究使用了来自12个城市的二手数据 在中低收入国家/地区,评估机构环境并根据以下方面评估结果: 安全处理的粪便污泥。尽管没有城市能有效地处理粪便污泥,但是 表现各不相同。在城市处理粪便污泥的地方,解决方案是局部的,并且倾向于集中解决 在为少数族裔服务的排污系统上。 FSM需要强大的市级监督和支持 在卫生服务链上推动协调行动的环境;这在很大程度上 缺席的。本文还着眼于穷人使用的卫生服务以及他们所使用的FSM服务 需要了解对FSM优先挑战的了解,并以此作为确定解决方案的手段。



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