
Cloud Computing education strategies




Cloud Computing is changing the services consumption and delivery platform as well as the way businesses and users interact with IT resources. It represents a major conceptual shift that introduces new elements in programming models and development environments that are not present in traditional technologies. The evolution of Cloud Computing motivates teaching Cloud Computing to computer science senior students and graduate students so that they can gain broad exposure to the main body of knowledge of Cloud Computing and get prepared for occupations in industry. There is thus a strong need for having a Cloud Computing education course that (i) has a broad coverage of different roles interacting with a cloud; and (ii) leverages Cloud Computing concepts, technology and architecture topics at both introductory and advanced level. In this paper, we describe the demand for understanding the impact of Cloud Computing in computer science higher education. We propose education strategies for teaching Cloud Computing, including key knowledge areas for an enduring Cloud Computing course.
机译:云计算正在改变服务的消费和交付平台,以及企业和用户与IT资源进行交互的方式。它代表了重大的概念转变,在编程模型和开发环境中引入了传统技术所不具备的新元素。云计算的发展促使向计算机科学高年级和研究生授课云计算,使他们可以广泛了解云计算的知识主体,并为工业职业做好准备。因此,迫切需要开设一个云计算教育课程,该课程(i)广泛涵盖与云交互的不同角色; (ii)在入门级和高级级都利用云计算的概念,技术和架构主题。在本文中,我们描述了理解云计算在计算机科学高等教育中的影响的需求。我们提出了用于云计算教学的教育策略,包括一门经久不衰的云计算课程的关键知识领域。



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