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Interactive Style Space of Deep Features and Style Innovation




Stylizing images as paintings has been a popular computer vision technique for a long time. However, most studies only consider the art styles known today, and rarely have investigated styles that have not been painted yet. We fill this gap by projecting the high-dimensional style space of Convolutional Neural Network features to the latent low-dimensional style manifold space. It is worth noting that in our visualized space, simple style linear interpolation is enabled to generate new artistic styles that would revolutionize the future of art in technology. We propose a model of an Interactive Style Space (ISS) to prove that in a manifold style space, the unknown styles are obtainable through interpolation of known styles. We verify the correctness and feasibility of our Interactive Style Space (ISS) and validate style interpolation within the space.
机译:风格图像作为绘画一直是一款受欢迎的计算机视觉技术。 然而,大多数研究只考虑今天已知的艺术款式,很少有尚未涂漆的调查风格。 我们通过将卷积神经网络功能的高维风格空间投射到潜伏的低维样式流域空间来填补这个差距。 值得注意的是,在我们的可视化空间中,简单的样式线性插值使能产生新的艺术风格,这些风格将彻底改变技术的未来。 我们提出了一种互动风格空间(ISS)的模型,以证明在歧管风格空间中,通过已知样式的插值可以获得未知样式。 我们验证了我们交互式风格空间(ISS)的正确性和可行性,并在空间内验证样式插值。



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