首页> 外文会议>International Conference on Electrical Machines and Systems >A motorized anchoring mechanism for a tethered capsule robot using fibrillar adhesives for interventions in the esophagus

A motorized anchoring mechanism for a tethered capsule robot using fibrillar adhesives for interventions in the esophagus




Patients suffering from chronic gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) or Barrett’s esophagus periodically need to have esophageal biopsy samples taken. This is currently done through a relatively expensive, time consuming, invasive endoscopic procedure which carries some risk. This paper presents a concept for a swallowable, motorized, tethered capsule endoscope which could eventually replace current endoscopic interventions in the esophagus. Newly-developed microscale fibrillar adhesives for anchoring the capsule in place were tested on porcine esophagus, and demonstrated as much as 200% friction enhancement when compared to unpatterned materials. A motorized legged stopping mechanism is presented, mathematically modeled, and capsules were manufactured and evaluated in vitro in porcine esophagus. Capsules with deployed legs lined with adhesives showed nearly four times more resistance to dislodgment than plain capsules with no legs.



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