首页> 外文会议>International Conference on Information and Communication Technology >A Comparative Study of Hollywood Movie Successfulness Prediction Model

A Comparative Study of Hollywood Movie Successfulness Prediction Model




The movie industry is a highly competitive industry with a lot of new movies are queued to be released each year. Movie making is subject to potential profits or loss in the magnitude of billion of dollars making this industry very risky. Predicting the successfulness of movie based on its financial performance prior to the release date is valuable in order to reduce number of uncertainties faced by decision makers such as producers, distributors, and exhibitors. Using the concept of machine learning, we suggest a classification model to predict the successfulness of a Hollywood Movie using Artificial Neural Network, Na?ve Bayes and Support Vector Machine. The objective of this research is to compare classification algorithms performance for predicting the successfulness of Hollywood movies before they are being released. Artificial Neural Network produces the best model in terms of performance in predicting a movie successfulness. Reaching 80% of accuracy and having above 80% of F-measure, precision, and recall suggests that Artificial Neural Network is a good model to assist producers, distributors and exhibitors assess risks.
机译:电影业是一个竞争激烈的行业,许多新电影每年都会排队被释放。电影制作潜在的利润或损失的百计美元,使这个行业非常有风险。在发布日期之前,根据其财务表现预测电影的成功是有价值的,以减少制片人,经销商和参展商等决策者所面临的不确定性数量。利用机器学习的概念,我们建议使用人工神经网络,Na?ve Bayes和支持向量机来预测好莱坞电影的成功。本研究的目的是比较分类算法性能,以便在释放之前预测好莱坞电影的成功。人工神经网络在预测电影成功的性能方面产生了最佳模型。准确度达到80%,并具有F值,精确度和召回的80%以上,表明人工神经网络是一个很好的模式,以帮助生产商,分销商和参展商评估风险。



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