首页> 外文会议>Transportation Research Board Annual meeting >Sustainable T ran sp o rta tio n In fra s tru c tu re Investments and Mode Share Changes: A 20-year case study of Boulder, Colorado.

Sustainable T ran sp o rta tio n In fra s tru c tu re Investments and Mode Share Changes: A 20-year case study of Boulder, Colorado.




This case study examines the benefits of sustainable transportation infrastructure investments toa city transportation system in terms of mode shifts. Building pedestrian, bicycling, and transitfacilities increases the capacity of a city's transportation system; the results suggest thatinvestments in such facilities are crucial to supporting transportation capacity while also enablingsignificant mode shifts from automobiles to walking, cycling, and transit.This paper reviews data from Boulder, Colorado, a city that has made substantial effortsto improve its multi-modal transportation infrastructure and services by investing in pedestrian,bicycle, and transit. This study examines the impacts of city-scale expansions of the scope andavailability of transit, bicycle, and pedestrian infrastructure and service with respect to modeshare changes. We first describe the relationship between the transportation infrastructureinvestments (supply) and mode share levels (demand); second, we draw research-informedconclusions between the two phenomena; and finally, we offer recommendations for citiesseeking to invest in multi-modal transportation systems.The city's transportation budgets for pedestrian, bicycling, and transit are examined inparallel with evidence from multiple community surveys and travel diaries to identify modeshifts from 1990 to 2009. Results suggest that substantial investments in new infrastructure andservices supporting pedestrian, bicycling, and transit have occurred in conjunction with stablepedestrian travel as population has increased, and substantial increases in bicycle and transitmode share.
机译:本案例研究考察了可持续交通基础设施投资对 就模式转变而言的城市交通系统。建造行人,骑自行车和运输 设施增加了城市交通系统的容量;结果表明 对此类设施的投资对于支持运输能力至关重要,同时也有助于 重要的模式从汽车转向步行,骑自行车和公交。 本文回顾了科罗拉多州博尔德市的数据,该市已经做出了巨大的努力 通过投资行人来改善其多式联运基础设施和服务, 自行车和过境。本研究考察了城市规模扩张的影响范围和 有关模式的公交,自行车和行人基础设施以及服务的可用性 分享更改。我们首先描述运输基础设施之间的关系 投资(供应)和模式共享水平(需求);其次,我们借鉴研究资料 两种现象之间的结论;最后,我们为城市提供建议 寻求投资多式联运系统。 该城市的行人,骑自行车和过境的交通预算在 与来自多个社区调查和旅行日记的证据并行确定模式 从1990年转移到2009年。结果表明,在新基础设施和 支持行人,骑自行车和过境的服务与稳定 随着人口的增加,行人旅行以及自行车和公交的大量增加 模式共享。



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