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A Look at Hybrid Vehicle Loyalty and Ownership




In a news release dated April 9, 2012, Polk stated that only 35% of hybrid owners bought a hybrid again when they returned to market in 2011. These findings were based on an internalstudy conducted by Polk. The study also indicated that if repurchase behavior among the highvolume audience of Toyota Prius owners wasn't factored in; hybrid loyalty would drop to under25%. This news release has generated a lot of interest and concern by the automobile industry aswell as consumers, since it was published, and caused many to think about the idea of hybridloyalty as well as factors that influence consumers. Most reactions to the 35% hybrid loyaltydealt with concerns of the viability of hybrid technology as part of the solution to addresstransportation energy challenges.This paper attempts to shed more light on Polk's hybrid loyalty study as well as explore severalinformation sources concerning hybrid loyalty status. Specifically, major factors that mightimpact the selection and acquisition of hybrid vehicles are addressed. This includes investigatingthe associations between hybrid market shares and influencing factors like fuel price and hybridincentives, as well as the availability of hybrid models and other highly fuel efficient vehicleoptions. This effort is not in-depth study, but rather a short study to see if Polk's claim could bevalidated.This study reveals that Polk's claim was rather misleading because its definition of loyalty wasvery narrow. This paper also suggests that Polk's analysis failed to account for some veryimportant factors, raising the question of whether it is fair to compare a vehicle drive train option(which hybrids are) with a vehicle brand in terms of loyalty and also raises the question ofwhether hybrid loyalty is even a valid point to consider. This report maintains that Polk's studydoes not prove that hybrid owners were dissatisfied with their vehicles, which was a commontheme among reporting news agencies when Polk initially released their findings. In this briefreview, the team has looked at factors that might contribute to a consumer choosing to notpurchase a hybrid; including the increase in manufacture's overall vehicle mpg and the percentage of the vehicle market owned by hybrids.
机译:在2012年4月9日的新闻稿中,波尔克表示,只有35%的混合动力车主在2011年重返市场后再次购买了混合动力车。这些发现是基于内部的 Polk进行的研究。研究还表明,如果回购行为在高 没有考虑丰田普锐斯车主的观众数量;混合忠诚度将降至 25%。该新闻稿引起了汽车行业的广泛关注和关注,因为 以及消费者,因为它已经发布,并且引起了许多人对混合动力概念的思考 忠诚度以及影响消费者的因素。对35%的混合忠诚度的大多数反应 解决了将混合技术的可行性作为解决方案的一部分的问题 运输能源的挑战。 本文试图为Polk的混合忠诚度研究提供更多信息,并探索一些 有关混合忠诚度状态的信息源。具体来说,可能 影响混合动力车辆的选择和获取。这包括调查 混合动力市场份额与影响因素(例如燃料价格和混合动力)之间的关联 激励措施,以及混合动力车型和其他高燃油效率车辆的可用性 选项。这项工作不是深入研究,而是一项简短的研究,以了解Polk的主张是否可以 已验证。 这项研究表明,波尔克的主张颇具误导性,因为其对忠诚度的定义是 非常窄。本文还表明,Polk的分析未能说明某些非常重要的问题。 重要因素,这就提出了比较车辆传动系统选件是否公平的问题 (哪些是混合动力车)在忠诚度方面与汽车品牌相关,还引发了以下问题: 混合忠诚度是否甚至是一个值得考虑的问题。该报告认为波尔克的研究 并不能证明混合动力车主对自己的车辆不满意,这很普遍 Polk最初发布其调查结果时,是报道新闻机构的主题。在这个简短的 审查中,团队已经研究了可能导致消费者选择不购买的因素 购买混合动力车;包括制造商的总体汽车mpg的增加以及混合动力汽车在汽车市场中所占的百分比。



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