首页> 外文会议>Latin American Computing Conference >Improving subjectivity detection for Spanish texts using subjectivity word sense disambiguation based on knowledge

Improving subjectivity detection for Spanish texts using subjectivity word sense disambiguation based on knowledge




In this paper, we present a Sentence-level Subjectivity Detection method for Spanish using Subjectivity Word Sense Disambiguation (SWSD) based on Knowledge. We use a classic method of Word Sense Disambiguation, using the Spanish WordNet included in Mutlilingual Central Repository 3.0 and the WordNet-Pr as Knowledge base. Because of the alignment between the WordNet and the SentiWordNet, we use this latter as semantic resource annotated with polarity values to determine when a word expresses subjectivity and objectivity, defining subjectivity levels using a fuzzy clustering algorithm previously. Due to the few resources focused on Sentiment Analysis for Spanish, the Semcor corpus was used for analyzing the attributes to be used. Finally, a Rule-based classifier was created to detect subjective sentences. This method was executed over a Spanish corpus, created in this work. The results show that our approach contributes positively to Subjectivity Detection task, despite of using resources created for English.
机译:在本文中,我们基于知识呈现了使用主观性词感测歧义(SWSD)的西班牙语句子级主体性检测方法。我们使用一个经典的单词感消解方法,使用来自MutlInicalInal Central Repository 3.0和WordNet-Pr中的西班牙语Wordnet作为知识库。由于WordNet和SentiwordNet之间的对齐,我们将后者用作具有极性值的语义资源,以确定单词何时表示主观性和客观性,使用先前使用模糊聚类算法定义主观性级别。由于少数专注于西班牙语的情感分析的资源,SEMCOR语料库用于分析要使用的属性。最后,创建了基于规则的分类器以检测主观句子。此方法由西班牙语法执行,在这项工作中创建。结果表明,尽管使用为英语创建的资源,我们的方法仍然对主体性检测任务产生了积极的贡献。



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