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The role of computerisation and automation of school libraries management in teaching information literacy on the example of curriculum unit online library catalogues




Croatian seventh grade elementary students should be completely qualified to independently browse their school library collection using its online library catalogue. Online library catalogues are an excellent example for a pupil to gradually and consciously use a computer in class to acquire information literacy skills, as described by Mike Eisenberg and Bob Berkowitz in their Big6 model. The results of a research conducted among elementary school librarians in the Krapina-Zagorje County in December 2012 indicate that only 14 out of 27 libraries (23 of which use Metelwin library automation software and are connected to the Internet) have their own online library catalogues, and only five librarians refresh their online databases every day. Forty-four percent of elementary school libraries do not own a computer intended for students, or have them but they are not connected to the Internet. Seven out of 27 elementary school librarians in Krapina-Zagorje County do not cover the curriculum unit Online Library Catalogues. The research shows a statistically significant positive correlation between having an online school library catalogue and a computer for students in the school library (and its Internet connection) and teaching information literacy on the example of curriculum unit Online Library Catalogues.
机译:克罗地亚七年级的小学生应该完全有资格使用其在线图书馆目录来独立浏览他们的学校图书馆藏书。正如Mike Eisenberg和Bob Berkowitz在他们的Big6模型中所描述的那样,在线图书馆目录是学生逐步并自觉地在课堂上使用计算机来获取信息素养技能的一个很好的例子。 2012年12月,在Krapina-Zagorje县的小学图书馆员中进行的一项研究结果表明,在27个图书馆(其中23个使用Metelwin图书馆自动化软件并连接到Internet)中,只有14个拥有自己的在线图书馆目录,每天只有五位图书馆员会刷新其在线数据库。 44%的小学图书馆不拥有供学生使用的计算机,或没有供学生使用的计算机,但它们未连接到Internet。 Krapina-Zagorje县的27名小学图书馆员中有7名没有涵盖课程单元“在线图书馆目录”。该研究表明,以课程单位在线图书馆目录为例,在拥有在线学校图书馆目录和供学生在学校图书馆中使用的计算机(及其互联网连接)与教学信息素养之间,存在统计学上显着的正相关关系。



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