首页> 外文会议>International Conference on Signal Processing and Multimedia Applications >Image denoising based on Laplace distribution with local parameters in Lapped Transform domain

Image denoising based on Laplace distribution with local parameters in Lapped Transform domain

机译:基于LAPPAlt分布的图像去噪与Lape Transport Domain中的局部参数



In this paper, we present a new image denoising method based on statistical modeling of Lapped Transform (LT) coefficients. The lapped transform coefficients are first rearranged into wavelet like structure, then the rearranged coefficient subband statistics are modeled in a similar way like wavelet coefficients. We propose to model the rearranged LT coefficients in a subband using Laplace probability density function (pdf) with local variance. This simple distribution is well able to model the locality and the heavy tailed property of lapped transform coefficients. A maximum a posteriori (MAP) estimator using the Laplace probability density function (pdf) with local variance is used for the estimation of noise free lapped transform coefficients. Experimental results show that the proposed low complexity image denoising method outperforms several wavelet based image denoising techniques and also outperforms two existing LT based image denoising schemes. Our main contribution in this paper is to use the local Laplace prior for statistical modeling of LT coefficients and to use MAP estimation procedure with this proposed prior to restore the noisy image LT coefficients.
机译:在本文中,我们介绍了一种基于LAPPED变换(LT)系数的统计建模的新图像去噪方法。首先将覆盖的变换系数重新排列成小波,如结构,然后重排的系数子带统计数据以类似的方式建模,如小波系数。我们建议使用La Laplace概率密度函数(PDF)与局部方差模拟子带中的重新布置LT系数。这种简单的分配能够为Lapped变换系数的局部性和沉重的尾尾属性进行建模。使用La Laple概率密度函数(PDF)具有局部方差的最大后验(MAP)估计器用于估计无噪声覆盖变换系数。实验结果表明,所提出的低复杂性图像去噪方法优于几个基于小波的图像去噪技术,并且还优于两个现有的基于LT基的图像去噪方案。我们本文的主要贡献是在LT系数统计建模之前使用本地LAPLACE,并在恢复嘈杂的图像LT系数之前使用地图估计过程。



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