首页> 外文会议>International conference on remediation of contaminated sediments >Castro Cove Sediment Remediation Project: 20-Acre Mudflat Cap and Restoration Using Beneficial Reuse Dredging

Castro Cove Sediment Remediation Project: 20-Acre Mudflat Cap and Restoration Using Beneficial Reuse Dredging




Background/Objectives. The project site in north San Francisco Bay presents a verychallenging environment with extensive tidal mudflats adjacent to a large active refinery.Historical discharges from the 110-year-old refinery impacted sediments with mercuryand polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and posed a toxicity risk to benthic organisms. Atiered risk assessment identified a 20-acre mudflat area of concern (AOC) and correctiveaction objectives of contamination removal and biological restoration. A 2,700-foot sheetpile enclosure was installed to isolated AOC from SF Bay, and 97,000 cubic yards ofsediment were dredged from the AOC in 2007. The residual exposed sediment did notmeet regulated concentrations requiring the design and construction of a sub-aqueousengineered cap. The two-layer cap designed using leach tests and the Reible chemicalflux model includes a 6-inch thick base sand isolation layer and 18-inch thick claybenthic layer. Local regulations impose a “no-net-fill” requirement limiting the capvolume to 95,000 cy. The capping project presented four major technical challenges:(1) hydraulic conveyance and placement of a thin sand layer over an undulating dredgedsurface without remobilizing residual contamination, (2) hydraulic placement of the claylayer over the sand layer, (3) consolidation of clay layer before removal of the sheet pileenclosure, and, (4) sheet pile removal such that the cap was not compromised by tidalaction.Approach/Activities.1. AOC is too large for mechanical sand placement so a placement barge was designedwith a spreader tray to slow 3,300 gpm, 14% solids sand slurry to a 3 fps horizontaldischarge causing sand to fall under gravity. Slurry was pumped one mile from aharbor accessible daily by a small sand barge. Water discharge restrictions requireda closed loop make-up water system. Sand thickness was measured daily using clearPVC push cores.2. Beneficial reuse of 50,000 cy of bay mud dredged from local yacht harbor andmarina was approved for the clay layer. Clay was mechanically dredged 8,000 feetfrom the AOC, converted to slurry and spread using the placement barge. Thevolume of placed clay was tracked daily and clay layer thickness and distributionmeasured relative to 20 survey markers.3. To ensure hydraulically placed clay layer gained sufficient shear strength to resisttidal and wave action during removal of the sheet pile enclosure, AOC was drainedand in situ shear strength measured for four months using a hand-held shear vaneand compared with ambient shear strength in the surrounding mudflats.
机译:背景/目标。旧金山湾北部的项目现场呈现出一个非常 具有挑战性的环境,与大型炼油厂相邻的大量潮汐滩涂。 已有110年历史的炼油厂的历史排放物影响了含汞的沉积物 和多环芳烃,对底栖生物具有毒性危险。一种 分层风险评估确定了20英亩的泥滩关注区(AOC)和纠正措施 污染物清除和生物修复的行动目标。 2700英尺的床单 将桩围安装到与SF湾隔离的AOC,并在97,000立方码的 沉积物是在2007年从AOC挖出的。残留的裸露沉积物没有 达到要求的浓度,需要设计和构造水下水 工程帽。采用浸出测试和Reible化学品设计的两层盖 通量模型包括6英寸厚的基础防砂层和18英寸厚的粘土 底栖层。当地法规强加了“无净填充”要求,限制了上限 交易量达到95,000 cy。封顶项目提出了四个主要技术挑战: (1)液压输送并在起伏的挖泥机上铺一层薄薄的沙土 表面,没有清除残留的污染物,(2)液压放置粘土 砂层上的水层,(3)在除去板桩之前固结粘土层 (4)取下薄板桩,以防潮汐影响到帽盖的安全 行动。 方法/活动。 1. AOC太大,无法进行机械式沙子放置,因此设计了放置驳船 使用撒布机托盘将3,300加仑/分钟的速度,14%固体沙浆降至3 fps水平 排放导致沙子在重力作用下掉落。泥浆被抽离一英里 每天都有一条小型驳船进入港口。需要排水限制 闭环补给水系统。每天使用净水器测量沙子厚度 PVC推芯。 2.有益地重复利用从当地游艇港和港口挖出的50,000 cy海湾泥 码头被批准用于粘土层。机械疏通了8000英尺的粘土 从AOC中分离出来,转化为泥浆,然后使用放置驳船进行铺展。这 每天跟踪放置的粘土的体积,以及粘土层的厚度和分布 相对于20个调查标记进行了测量。 3.确保液压放置的粘土层获得足够的剪切强度以抵抗 拆除板桩围护结构期间的潮汐和波浪作用,AOC排干了 并使用手持式剪切叶片测量四个月的原位剪切强度 并与周围泥滩的环境抗剪强度进行了比较。



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