首页> 外文会议>China satellite navigation conference >Study on the Development Strategy of Legal System of China's Satellite Navigation System Based on AHP-SWOT Analysis

Study on the Development Strategy of Legal System of China's Satellite Navigation System Based on AHP-SWOT Analysis




The legal system of satellite navigation is the basis for the development and application of national satellite navigation. At present, the administerment and generalization about satellite navigation system still mainly depend on the policies of government. Lawlessness is the main problem of the construction of legal system of China's satellite navigation system. To get more scientific development strategy of legal system of satellite navigation, the treatise puts to use the method of SWOT to analysis the status quo of legal system of satellite navigation from the aspects such as the strength, weakness, opportunities and threats. Based on the analysis of the above, the treatise uses the method of AHP to get the sort of development strategy of the legal system of satellite navigation. Then based on the sort, the treatise not only gets the best development strategy of the legal system of satellite navigation, but also puts forward the concrete suggestions.



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