
Primary education for the specially-abled




Technology can support the children who require special needs, who if given the proper training and opportunity, can compete on a basis of equality with their peers. This should be the basic philosophy of a programmer who designs programs, standards for programs, or evaluation of programs. Proper education for these children will lead to enhancing their capability to lead a dignified life and also help them to earn a square meal. Technology is needed to teach them and hence the necessity can clearly be seen for further research and development in this field. In addition to software being used as teaching tools at schools and at-home, the learning process should be more interesting so that child should feel engaged. A daily routine, not only a syllabus/homework, using technologies such as text to speech conversion and image morphology is needed to both help them understand concepts of classroom syllabus and motivate them to learn more at home as specially-abled children need to be given enough motivation, as well as time, to succeed. The system developed proves to be useful to specially-abled children to memorize rhymes, recognize common sounds (like that of animals) as well as develop haptic abilities using a game like interface.



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