
Rank Discovery From Web Databases




Many web databases are only accessible through a proprietary search interface which allows users to form a query by entering the desired values for a few attributes. After receiving a query, the system returns the top-k matching tuples according to a pre-determined ranking function. Since the rank of a tuple largely determines the attention it receives from website users, ranking information for any tuple - not just the top-ranked ones - is often of significant interest to third parties such as sellers, customers, market researchers and investors. In this paper, we define a novel problem of rank discovery over hidden web databases. We introduce a taxonomy of ranking functions, and show that different types of ranking functions require fundamentally different approaches for rank discovery. Our technical contributions include principled and efficient randomized algorithms for estimating the rank of a given tuple, as well as negative results which demonstrate the inefficiency of any deterministic algorithm. We show extensive experimental results over real-world databases, including an online experiment at Amazon.com, which illustrates the effectiveness of our proposed techniques.
机译:许多Web数据库只能通过专有搜索界面访问,允许用户通过输入几个属性的所需值来形成查询。在接收到查询后,系统根据预定的排名函数返回顶-K匹配元组。由于元组的等级在很大程度上决定了从网站用户收到的注意力,因此对任何元组的排名 - 不仅仅是排名第一 - 卖方,客户,市场研究人员和投资者等第三方的重要兴趣在本文中,我们在隐藏的Web数据库中定义了排名发现的新问题。我们介绍了排名职能的分类,并表明不同类型的排名功能需要对等级发现的根本不同的方法。我们的技术贡献包括原则和高效的随机随机算法,用于估算给定元组的等级,以及展示任何确定性算法效率低下的负面结果。我们对现实世界数据库进行了广泛的实验结果,包括Amazon.com的在线实验,说明了我们所提出的技术的有效性。



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