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Market integration in Europe: a market simulator taking into account different market zones and the increasing penetration of RES generation




The approval of the Third Energy Package in 2009 marked the start of a further stage in powermarket integration in Europe.Following the wake of the Third Energy Package, the objective of attaining an efficient pan-European electricity market has been given the highest priority to increase competitiveness, foster thepenetration of RES generation and also enhance the security of supply - assuming that in a perfectcompetitive market generation companies would react offering their available power production in theareas showing generation shortfall and, consequently, higher energy prices. The EC set the year 2014as the deadline to attain a full market integration in the EU. The main organizations in Europe arereacting posting at the top of their agendas this target. F.i. ENTSO-E, the European Network of theTransmission System Operators for Electricity, established in December 2009, coherently with theprovisions set forth in the EU Directive 2009/72/EC and Regulation EC 714/2009, included in thepriority research fields “new tools based on simulation techniques that will give rise to new marketdesign options”.Forward-looking market simulations, capable of accurately modeling the EU power markets, are akey issue to assess in due course the future energy and power patterns highlighting bottlenecks causingprice differentials and consequently helping TSO planners to prioritize their investments in the griddevelopment. Furthermore, an accurate market simulator can provide the investors with the right signswhere to invest with the maximum expected profitability.To cope with the new above-mentioned challenge concerning a coordinated expansion planningapproach at the ENTSO-E multi-regional focus, CESI has been developing on behalf of TERNA, theItalian TSO, a market simulator, PROMED_GRID, capable of modeling the functioning of a multiareamarket, specifically the EU power market, examining in one run a whole year, hour by hour.
机译:2009年第三次能源方案的批准标志着电力发展的新阶段的开始 欧洲市场整合。 随着第三能源方案的实施,实现高效节能的目标是: 欧洲电力市场已被视为提高竞争力,培育竞争优势的重中之重。 假设能够完美实现RES生成的渗透并增强供应的安全性 竞争激烈的市场发电公司会做出反应,在 显示发电不足的地区,因此,能源价格较高。欧共体设定2014年 作为在欧盟实现全面市场整合的最后期限。欧洲的主要组织是 在目标的顶部将他们的反应发布为目标。 F.i. ENTSO-E,欧洲的 电力传输系统运营商成立于2009年12月,与 欧盟指令2009/72 / EC和法规EC 714/2009中规定的条款, 优先研究领域“基于仿真技术的新工具将带来新的市场 设计选项”。 前瞻性市场模拟能够准确地对欧盟电力市场进行建模,这是一个 在适当的时候评估未来的能源和电力模式的主要问题,突出了造成瓶颈的原因 价格差异,从而帮助TSO计划者优先安排电网投资 发展。此外,准确的市场模拟器可以为投资者提供正确的信号 以最大的预期获利能力投资于何处。 应对上述有关协调扩张计划的新挑战 在ENTSO-E多地区重点的研究方法方面,CESI一直代表TERNA进行开发, 意大利的TSO,市场模拟器PROMED_GRID,能够对多个区域的功能进行建模 市场,特别是欧盟电力市场,一年一小时地逐年检查。



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