首页> 外文会议>International technical meeting of the Satellite Division of the Institute of Navigation >Observability and Estimability of Collaborative Opportunistic Navigation with Pseudorange Measurements

Observability and Estimability of Collaborative Opportunistic Navigation with Pseudorange Measurements




The observability and estimability of collaborative opportunisticnavigation (COpNav) environments are studied.A COpNav environment can be thought of as a radio frequencysignal landscape within which one or more radiofrequency receiver locate themselves in space and time byextracting and possibly sharing information from ambientsignals of opportunity (SOPs). Available SOPs mayhave a fully-known, partially-known, or unknown characterization.In the present work, the receivers are assumedto draw only pseudorange-type measurements from theSOPs. Separate observations are fused to produce an estimateof each receiver’s position, velocity, and time (PVT).Since not all SOP states in the COpNav environment maybe known a priori, the receivers must estimate the unknownSOP states of interest simultaneously with theirown PVT. This paper establishes the minimal conditionsunder which a COpNav environment consisting of multiplereceivers and multiple SOPs is completely observable.In scenarios where the COpNav environment is not completelyobservable, the observable states, if any, are specified.Moreover, for the completely observable scenarios,the degree of observability, commonly referred to as estimability,of the various states is studied, with particularattention paid to the states with exceptionally good andpoor observability.
机译:合作机会主义的可观察性和可估计性 研究了导航(COpNav)环境。 可以将COpNav环境视为无线电频率 一个或多个收音机中的信号状态 频率接收器通过以下方式定位自己在空间和时间上的位置 从环境中提取并共享信息 机会信号(SOP)。可用的SOP可能 具有众所周知的,部分已知的或未知的特征。 在目前的工作中,假设接收者是 仅从 SOP。将单独的观察结果融合以产生估计值 每个接收器的位置,速度和时间(PVT)。 由于并非COpNav环境中的所有SOP状态都可能 先验地知道,接收者必须估计未知数 SOP感兴趣的状态与其同时 自己的PVT。本文建立了最小条件 在这种情况下,COpNav环境由多个 接收器和多个SOP是完全可观察到的。 在COpNav环境不完全的情况下 可观察的,指定可观察的状态(如果有)。 此外,对于完全可观察的情况, 可观察性的程度,通常称为可估计性, 研究了各种状态,特别是 对州的关注特别出色, 可观察性差。



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