首页> 外文会议>European conference on computer vision >Unsupervised Domain Adaptation with Regularized Domain Instance Denoising

Unsupervised Domain Adaptation with Regularized Domain Instance Denoising




We propose to extend the marginalized denoising autoen-coder (MDA) framework with a domain regularization whose aim is to denoise both the source and target data in such a way that the features become domain invariant and the adaptation gets easier. The domain regularization, based either on the maximum mean discrepancy (MMD) measure or on the domain prediction, aims to reduce the distance between the source and the target data. We also exploit the source class labels as another way to regularize the loss, by using a domain classifier regularizer. We show that in these cases, the noise marginaliza-tion gets reduced to solving either the linear matrix system AX = B, for which there exists a closed-form solution, or to a Sylvester linear matrix equation AX + XB = C that can be solved efficiently using the Bartels-Stewart algorithm. We did an extensive study on how these regularization terms improve the baseline performance and we present experiments on three image benchmark datasets, conventionally used for domain adaptation methods. We report our findings and comparisons with state-of-the-art methods.
机译:我们建议将边缘化的去噪自身编码器(MDA)框架扩展到域正规化,其目的是以这样的方式代替源和目标数据,使得功能成为域不变,适应变得更容易。基于域正则化,基于最大平均差异(MMD)测量或域预测,旨在减少源数据和目标数据之间的距离。我们还利用源类标签作为另一种方式来规范丢失,通过使用域分类器规范器。我们表明,在这些情况下,噪声Marginaliza-Tion降低到求解线性矩阵系统AX = B,其中存在闭合形式的溶液,或者可以是Sylvester线性矩阵方程AX + XB = C使用Bartels-Stewart算法有效地解决。我们对这些正则化术语如何提高基线性能以及我们在三个图像基准数据集上进行实验,通常用于域适应方法。我们报告了我们的调查结果和与最先进的方法进行了比较。



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