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A Upstream - Downstream real time surveillance and optimization systems, two sides of the same coin, or never the twain shall meet?




Downstream Refineries and Chemical Plants have benefited from real time optimization systems (RTO) for the last 30 years. Downstream RTO is a well established and permanent fixture in many plants - the "way we do things 'round here!". Upstream E&P operations have "come to this party" much more recently and are using RTO more sparingly, even though the economic and HSSE benefits can be very significant. There are key differences between downstream and upstream. For example, downstream facilities do not deal with the uncertainties of geology, multiphase flow and difficulty in placing measurements in prohibitive environments; while upstream operations do not usually have to deal with complex chemical reactions. Hence, the purpose of this paper is to compare and contrast downstream and upstream RTO learnings with a view to identifying and describing: 1.similarities in production unit operations e.g. fluid separation, compression etc.; 2.key differences between production unit operations; 3.cultural differences between operations; 4.RTO activities from a technical perspective; 5.RTO business benefits and how these might be leveraged and sustained in both directions. What will emerge from this analysis will be a comparison highlighting points of commonality and differences leading to a better understanding of how RTO can be more effectively exploited in the upstream business - the cheapest oil available!
机译:在过去的30年中,下游精炼厂和化工厂受益于实时优化系统(RTO)。下游RTO是许多工厂中公认的永久性固定装置-“我们在这里做事的方式!”。上游勘探与生产业务“最近来此参加”,尽管在经济和HSSE方面的收益可能非常显着,但仍更加谨慎地使用RTO。下游和上游之间存在关键差异。例如,下游设施无法处理地质的不确定性,多相流以及难以在禁止的环境中进行测量的问题;而上游操作通常不必处理复杂的化学反应。因此,本文的目的是比较和对比下游和上游RTO学习,以识别和描述:1.生产单元操作中的相似之处流体分离,压缩等; 2.生产单位运作之间的主要差异; 3,业务之间的文化差异; 4.从技术角度看RTO活动; 5.RTO业务收益以及如何在两个方向上利用和维持这些收益。该分析将产生一个比较,突出强调共性和差异,从而使人们更好地了解如何在上游业务中更有效地利用RTO -最便宜的石油!



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