
Modeling Speeds and Accidents on Urban Streets




This paper presents the main results from modeling relationships between road design, and speed behavior as well as the influence of speed in the occurrence of accidents. In order to describe speed choice of drivers by using parameters of the speed distribution different kinds of classification of free-flow-vehicles were analyzed as well as spatial and temporal aspects of spot speed measurements. Results of multiple regression models for mean speeds and 85-percentiles of the speed distribution are documented and discussed. Road classification, cross section characteristics, land-use and the road surface condition among others are found to be significant parameters that correlate with driving speed. Generalized Linear Models are used to describe the influence of mean speeds on the occurrence of road accidents. This is done for different accident groups under consideration of the annual daily traffic and a parameter that describes the length and type of land-use of the adjacent buildings next to the road section. The relationship between speed and accidents count is described using a power function.



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