
Using UML 2 activity diagram for visual business management modeling

机译:使用UML 2活动图进行可视化业务管理建模



Business process for service provisioning in public telecommunication network is very complex and demanded process. To support this process systems for business support has to satisfy all what is needed for optimal network configuration and optimal use of resources needed for service provisioning. It is very hard to achieve those assumptions without business management modelling. Model has to give a clear picture of business management and has to be a good base for implementation of needed business support for service provisioning. In this paper usage of UML (Unified Modelling Language) are chosen like example of business management modelling of the public telecommunication network. Using more diagrams UML is the tool which enables different views of system or business process which is modelled. UML activity diagram gives dynamic behaviour and could be used for modelling of business management. Finally, to enable simulation of business management formalization of UML activity diagram was used.
机译:公共电信网络中用于服务提供的业务流程是非常复杂且需要的流程。为了支持此流程,业务支持系统必须满足最佳网络配置和服务供应所需资源的最佳使用所需要的全部条件。如果没有业务管理模型,很难实现这些假设。该模型必须提供清晰的业务管理图,并且必须是实现服务供应所需业务支持的良好基础。在本文中,选择UML(统一建模语言)的用法,就像公共电信网络的业务管理建模示例一样。使用更多图表UML是一种工具,它可以对建模的系统或业务流程提供不同的视图。 UML活动图提供动态行为,可用于业务管理建模。最后,为了实现业务管理的仿真,使用了UML活动图的形式化。



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