
Optimal control of non-homogeneous wave equation




While studying vibrations of non-homogeneous strings or chains a trigonometric non-Fourier moment problems arise. The existence of solutions of such problems is still researched by many authors. In current note, a particular solution, called optimal, i.e. the one with the least L2-norm is searched for. Proposed is an algorithm that allows to change an infinite system of equations into the linear one with only a finite number of equations. The mentioned algorithm is based on the fact, that in the case of a Fourier moment problem, the optimal solution is periodic and easy to construct. The optimal solution of a non-Fourier moment problem close to a Fourier one is approximated by a sequence of solutions with periodicity disturbed in a finite number of equations. It is proved that this sequence of approximations converges to the solution sought for. The note is concluded with the application of proposed algorithm.
机译:在研究非均质弦或链的振动时,会出现三角非傅里叶矩问题。许多作者仍在研究解决这些问题的方法。在当前注释中,搜索一种称为最优的特定解决方案,即具有最小L 2 -范数的解决方案。提出了一种算法,该算法允许将无限个方程组转换为仅具有有限数量的方程组的线性方程组。所提到的算法基于以下事实:在傅立叶矩问题的情况下,最优解是周期性的并且易于构造。接近傅立叶矩的非傅立叶矩问题的最优解是通过在有限数量的方程中扰动周期性的解序列来近似的。证明了该近似序列收敛于所寻求的解。本文的结论是通过所提出算法的应用得出的。



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