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StreamWeb: Real-Time Web Monitoring with Stream Computing




A new trend involves Web services such as Twitter beginning to publish streaming Web APIs that enable partners and end users to retrieve streaming data. By combining such push-based Web services and existing pull-based Web services, it is now possible for us to understand the current status or trends of the world in a more real-time way, such as real-time tracking of infectious disease, real-time crime prediction, or real-time marketing, and so various innovative business services are possible. For a system architecture to implement such services, the services are normally built from the scratch, and the performance and scalability depend upon the engineers'' skills. In this paper we propose a real-time Web monitoring system called gStreamWebh on top of a stream computing system called System S developed by IBM Research. The Stream Web system allows developers to easily describe their analytical algorithms for a variety of kinds of Web streaming data without worrying about the performance and scalability, and provides real-time and scalable Web monitoring for massive amounts of data. As an experimental proof-of-concept application, we built an application that monitors a list of keywords in the Twitter streaming data, and that displays any messages including the specified keywords onto a map of the physical location (from Google) where the message was posted. Our system can handle nearly 30 thousand Twitter messages per second on a system with 8 computing nodes. This prototype application confirms that we can build real-time Web monitoring systems while satisfying the needs for high software productivity and for system scalability.
机译:一种新趋势涉及诸如Twitter之类的Web服务,它开始发布流式Web API,使合作伙伴和最终用户能够检索流式数据。通过将此类基于推式的Web服务和现有的基于拉式的Web服务相结合,我们现在可以更实时地了解世界的现状或趋势,例如实时跟踪传染病,实时犯罪预测或实时营销,因此各种创新的业务服务都是可能的。对于要实现此类服务的系统体系结构,服务通常是从头开始构建的,其性能和可伸缩性取决于工程师的技能。在本文中,我们在IBM Research开发的名为System S的流计算系统的基础上,提出了一个名为gStreamWeb h的实时Web监视系统。 Stream Web系统使开发人员可以轻松描述其对各种Web流数据的分析算法,而不必担心性能和可伸缩性,并为大量数据提供实时和可伸缩的Web监视。作为实验性的概念验证应用程序,我们构建了一个应用程序,该应用程序监视Twitter流数据中的关键字列表,并将包含指定关键字的所有消息显示在该消息所在的物理位置的地图上(来自Google)发布。在具有8个计算节点的系统上,我们的系统每秒可以处理近3万条Twitter消息。该原型应用程序确认我们可以构建实时Web监视系统,同时满足对高软件生产率和系统可伸缩性的需求。



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