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Development of a New and Improved Lidocaine Patch (NAL1282) for Treatment of Postherpetic Neuralgia




A novel lidocaine patch (NAL1282) was developed for the treatment of postherpetic neuralgia. NAL1282 prototypes selected through in vitro skin permeation study using hairless mouse and Yucatan micropig skins demonstrated the improved adhesion strength and self adhesion properties compared to Lidoderm®. The pharmacokinetic profiles, safety, and tolerability of the prototypes of NAL1282 Lidocaine Patch in healthy human subjects were assessed in comparison with commercially available lidocaine patch, Lidoderm®. In human pharmacokinetic studies, one of NAL 1282 prototypes (NAL1282-2) demonstrated lidocaine plasma concentration profile similar to that of Lidoderm® without significant adverse effects including skin irritation.In conclusion, these data suggest that NAL 1282 is a new and significantly improved lidocaine patch having superior adhesion profiles, skin permeation, and safety profiles compared to those of Lidoderm®.
机译:开发了一种新型利多卡因贴剂(NAL1282),用于治疗带状疱疹后神经痛。通过使用无毛小鼠和尤卡坦微型猪皮肤的体外皮肤渗透研究选择的NAL1282原型与Lidoderm®相比,具有改善的粘合强度和自粘合性能。与市售的利多卡因贴剂Lidoderm®比较,评估了NAL1282利多卡因贴剂原型在健康人体内的药代动力学特征,安全性和耐受性。在人类药代动力学研究中,其中一个NAL 1282原型(NAL1282-2)证明利多卡因血浆浓度与Lidoderm®相似,而没有明显的不良反应,包括刺激皮肤。 总之,这些数据表明,与Lidoderm®相比,NAL 1282是一种新型的,经过显着改进的利多卡因贴剂,具有优异的粘附性,皮肤渗透性和安全性。



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