
Global knowledge exchange and the low carbon economy




1 INTRODUCTION The well documented pace of social and economic change in China brings with a series of infrastructural, technological and environmental challenges that test not only Chinas policymakers but those of collaborating western governments who seek to engage with Chinas developing internal markets. It also brings spectacular demand for materials, commodities and technology. UoNs China portfolio includes the demonstrable success of the first sino-foreign University to be established within PRC with more than 4000 students likely to register in September 2009. It also incorporates prestige offers on UoNs UK campuses 々 the respected China Policy Institute within a young and dynamic School of Contemporary Chinese studies. This review examines the broader portfolio of links with China and concentrates on the 3 of the key challenges facing China-the transition to a low carbon economy, water security and population health.
机译:1引言众所周知,中国社会和经济变革的步伐带来了一系列基础设施,技术和环境方面的挑战,这些挑战不仅考验了中国的政策制定者,而且也考验了寻求与中国发展中的内部市场互动的西方政府的合作者。它还带来了对材料,商品和技术的惊人需求。 UoNs中国的投资组合包括在中国建立的第一所中外大学的成功案例,该大学在2009年9月有4000多名学生注册。它还结合了UoNs英国校园的声誉优惠々备受尊敬的中国政策研究所青年和充满活力的当代中国学派。这篇评论考察了与中国的更广泛的联系,并重点研究了中国面临的三个主要挑战,即向低碳经济,水安全和人口健康的过渡。



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