首页> 外文会议>Congress of the International Radiation Protection Association;IRPA 12 >Operational Intervention Levels (OILs)– A Tool to Overcome Differences in Intervention Levels?

Operational Intervention Levels (OILs)– A Tool to Overcome Differences in Intervention Levels?




The intervention levels for evacuation, sheltering and iodine blockade still differ in many countries,although international organisation like IAEA, NEA or ICRP aspire to harmonise them on an international level.Even if the dose values of the limits are in agreement, they are not necessarily comparable because the type ofdose (projected dose, averted dose), the respected exposure pathways (external dose, inhalation, ingestion) or theintegration time might differ significantly. The question is raised, how can harmonisation being achieved?International organisations recommend “operational intervention levels” (OILs) for promptly assessing the resultsof environmental monitoring and to decide on protective actions. OILs are measurable values derived from doselimits. Best examples are the derived intervention levels for food and feed in the codex alimentarius or by the EC,which limit the ingestion dose to about 5 mSv/a. This paper discusses the properties and potential use of OILs,identifies and derives useful OILs and addresses their benefit in practise both for early and later countermeasures.Furthermore it is discussed whether OILs might be a useful tool to overcome national differences in interventionlevels because an OIL value covers a relative wide range of the projected dose due to the uncertainty of theparameters needed for derivation.
机译:在许多国家,疏散,避难所和碘封锁的干预水平仍然存在差异, 尽管诸如IAEA,NEA或ICRP之类的国际组织希望在国际层面上协调它们。 即使限值的剂量值是一致的,它们也不一定是可比较的,因为 剂量(预计剂量,避免剂量),相关的暴露途径(外部剂量,吸入,摄入)或 整合时间可能会大不相同。提出了一个问题,如何实现协调? 国际组织建议使用“操作干预水平”(OIL)来迅速评估结果 进行环境监测并决定采取保护措施。 OIL是剂量得出的可测量值 限制。最好的例子是食品法典或欧共体对食品和饲料的干预水平, 将摄入剂量限制在约5 mSv / a。本文讨论了OIL的性质和潜在用途, 识别并得出有用的OIL,并在实践中尽早从早期和后期对策中受益。 此外,还讨论了OIL是否可能是克服国家干预措施差异的有用工具 由于OIL值的不确定性,OIL值涵盖了相对较大的预计剂量范围 推导所需的参数。



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