首页> 外文会议>IEA/AIE 2010;International conference on industrial engineering and other applications of applied intelligent systems >Matching Multilingual Tags Based on Community of Lingual Practice from Multiple Folksonomy: A Preliminary Result

Matching Multilingual Tags Based on Community of Lingual Practice from Multiple Folksonomy: A Preliminary Result




By taking into account various co-occurence patterns from a folksonomy, semantic correspondences between tags have been discovered and applied to a number of applications (e.g., recommendation). In this paper, we propose a novel collective intelligence application for expanding and transforming queries for searching for multilingual resources. Thereby, multilingual tags (e.g., between 'Seoul' in English and 'Coree' in French) within a folksonomy have been analyzed whether they have a significant relationship or not. We have tested the proposed multilingual tag matching method by collecting real-world tagging information from several well-known social tagging websites (e.g., Del.icio.us), and applied to translating queries to other languages without any external dictionary.
机译:通过考虑来自民俗疗法的各种共现模式,已经发现标签之间的语义对应并将其应用于许多应用(例如,推荐)。在本文中,我们提出了一种新颖的集体情报应用程序,用于扩展和转换用于搜索多语言资源的查询。从而,已经分析了民俗分类法中的多语言标签(例如,英语中的“首尔”和法语中的“ Coree”之间)是否具有显着的关系。我们通过从几个知名的社会标签网站(例如Del.icio.us)收集现实世界的标签信息,测试了所提出的多语言标签匹配方法,并将其应用于将查询翻译成其他语言而无需任何外部词典。



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