首页> 外文会议>IEEE 10th International Conference on Signal Processing >New method for designing of two-channel causal-stable IIR filter banks

New method for designing of two-channel causal-stable IIR filter banks




A new method is proposed for designing of two-channel filter banks (FBs) with causal-stable IIR filters having an approximate cosine-rolloff (CR) transition band. By using IIR filters with a CR transition band, the flatness condition required for two-channel NPR FB is automatically satisfied. The design problem of IIR FBs is reduced to the design of FIR fliers if we can propose locating the poles of IIR filters. Then the design problem can be formulated as a convex minimax optimization problem, and solved by second order core programming (SOCP). Moreover, tie polyphase components of tie analysis Alters are assumed to have an identical denominator in order to simplify the PR condition. The two-channel NPR IIR FB so obtained has a reasonably low reconstruction error and it can be employed as the initial guess to constrained nonlinear optimization software for designing the PR IIR FB.
机译:提出了一种新的方法,用于设计具有因果稳定的IIR滤波器的二通道滤波器组(FB),该滤波器具有近似的余弦滚降(CR)过渡带。通过使用具有CR过渡带的IIR滤波器,可以自动满足两通道NPR FB所需的平坦度条件。如果我们可以建议定位IIR滤波器的极点,那么IIR FB的设计问题就可以简化为FIR传单的设计。然后,可以将设计问题表述为凸极小极大优化问题,并通过二阶核心规划(SOCP)加以解决。此外,联系分析Alters的联系多相分量被假定为具有相同的分母,以简化PR条件。这样获得的两通道NPR IIR FB具有相当低的重建误差,可以用作约束非线性优化软件设计PR IIR FB的初始猜测。



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