
Using Ultrasonic and Infrared Sensors for Measuring Distances




The amplitude response of infrared (IR) sensors depends on the reflectance properties of the target.Therefore,in order to use IR sensor for measuring distances accurately,prior knowledge of the surface must be known.This paper describes the Phong Illumination Model for determining the properties of a surface and subsequently calculating the distance to the surface.The angular position of the IR sensor is computed as normal to the surface for simplifying the calculation.Ultrasonic (US) sensor can provide the initial information on distance to obtain the parameters for this method.In addition,the experimental results obtained by using LabView are discussed.More care should be taken when placing the objects from the sensors during acquiring data since the small change in angle could show very different distance than the actual one.Since stereo camera vision systems do not perform well under some environmental conditions such as plain wall,glass surfaces,or poor lighting conditions,the IR and US sensors can be used additionally to improve the overall vision systems of mobile robots.



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