首页> 外文会议>INMM annual meeting >Options for Converting Excess Plutonium to Feed for the MOX Fuel Fabrication Facility (U)

Options for Converting Excess Plutonium to Feed for the MOX Fuel Fabrication Facility (U)




The storage and safekeeping of excess plutonium in the United States represents a multibilliondollarlifecycle cost to the taxpayers and poses challenges to National Security and Nuclear Non-Proliferation. Los Alamos National Laboratory is considering options for converting someportion of the 13 metric tons of excess plutonium that was previously destined for long-termwaste disposition into feed for the MOX Fuel Fabrication Facility (MFFF). This approach couldreduce storage costs and security risks, and produce fuel for nuclear energy at the same time.Over the course of 30 years of weapons related plutonium production, Los Alamos hasdeveloped a number of flow sheets aimed at separation and purification of plutonium. Flowsheets for converting metal to oxide and for removing chloride and fluoride from plutoniumresidues have been developed and withstood the test of time. This presentation will address somepotential options for utilizing processes and infrastructure developed by Defense Programs totransform a large variety of highly impure plutonium into feedstock for the MFFF.
机译:在美国,过量p的储存和保管价值数十亿美元 纳税人的生命周期成本,对国家安全和核非核武器构成挑战 增殖。洛斯阿拉莫斯国家实验室(Los Alamos National Laboratory)正在考虑将某些生物转化 13公吨过量p的一部分,原定用于长期 将废物放入MOX燃料制造工厂(MFFF)的饲料中。这种方法可以 降低存储成本和安全风险,并同时生产核能燃料。 在与related有关的武器生产的30年过程中,洛斯阿拉莫斯(Los Alamos) 开发了许多旨在分离和纯化of的流程图。流动 用于将金属转化为氧化物以及从p中去除氯化物和氟化物的板 残留物已经被开发出来并且经受了时间的考验。本演讲将解决一些问题 利用国防计划开发的流程和基础架构的潜在选择,以 将多种高度不纯的p转化为MFFF的原料。



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