首页> 外文会议>IIE annual conference and expo;Industrial engineering research conference >Parameter Estimation in a CBM Model with MultivariateObservations

Parameter Estimation in a CBM Model with MultivariateObservations




A parameter estimation problem for a condition-based maintenance model is considered. Vector-valued data iscollected at discrete time points, which gives partial information about the state of a mechanical unit thatdeteriorates in continuous time. Two types of data histories are available – histories that end with observable systemfailure and histories that end when the system is suspended from operation. Our objective is to determine optimalvalues of the model parameters that maximize the likelihood function. We show how the EM algorithm and Kalmanfilter can be used to iteratively determine the optimal parameter values. A numerical example is provided toillustrate the estimation procedure.
机译:考虑了基于状态的维护模型的参数估计问题。向量值的数据为 在不连续的时间点收集的数据,可以提供有关机械单元状态的部分信息, 连续时间恶化。有两种类型的数据历史记录-以可观察系统结尾的历史记录 故障和历史记录将在系统暂停运行后结束。我们的目标是确定最佳 使似然函数最大化的模型参数的值。我们展示了EM算法和Kalman 过滤器可用于迭代确定最佳参数值。提供了一个数值示例 说明估算程序。



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