首页> 外文会议>ACMKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining;KDD 2008 >A Family of Dissimilarity Measures between Nodes Generalizing both the Shortest-Path and the Commute-time Distances

A Family of Dissimilarity Measures between Nodes Generalizing both the Shortest-Path and the Commute-time Distances




This work introduces a new family of link-based dissimilarity measures between nodes of a weighted directed graph. This measure, called the randomized shortest-path (RSP) dissimilarity, depends on a parameter θ and has the interesting property of reducing, on one end, to the standard shortest-path distance when θ is large and, on the other end, to the commute-time (or resistance) distance when θ is small (near zero). Intuitively, it corresponds to the expected cost incurred by a random walker in order to reach a destination node from a starting node while maintaining a constant entropy (related to θ) spread in the graph. The parameter θ is therefore biasing gradually the simple random walk on the graph towards the shortest-path policy. By adopting a statistical physics approach and computing a sum over all the possible paths (discrete path integral), it is shown that the RSP dissimilarity from every node to a particular node of interest can be computed efficiently by solving two linear systems of n equations, where n is the number of nodes. On the other hand, the dissimilarity between every couple of nodes is obtained by inverting an n × n matrix. The proposed measure can be used for various graph mining tasks such as computing be-tweenness centrality, finding dense communities, etc, as shown in the experimental section.
机译:这项工作介绍了加权有向图的节点之间基于链接的相异性度量的新系列。这种测量方法称为随机最短路径(RSP)不相似性,它取决于参数θ,并且具有有趣的特性,即一方面减小θ较大时的标准最短路径距离,另一方面减小至标准最短路径距离。 θ小(接近零)时的通勤时间(或电阻)距离。直观上,它对应于随机游动者为了从起始节点到达目标节点并同时保持图形中恒定的熵(与θ相关)扩展而产生的预期成本。因此,参数θ将图上的简单随机游动逐渐偏向最短路径策略。通过采用统计物理方法并计算所有可能路径的总和(离散路径积分),可以证明,通过求解n个方程的两个线性系统,可以有效地计算从每个节点到感兴趣的特定节点的RSP差异,其中n是节点数。另一方面,通过反转n×n矩阵可以获得每对节点之间的不相似性。如实验部分所示,所提出的措施可用于各种图形挖掘任务,例如计算中间性中心度,查找密集社区等。



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