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Using hypervisor to provide data secrecy for user applications on a per-page basis




It is our pleasure to welcome you to the Fourth ACM SIGPLAN/SIGOPS Conference on Virtual Execution Environments (VEE 08), in Seattle, USA. VEE is the premier venue for presenting and learning about new research on all aspects of virtualization, and we hope that strength will be further enhanced with this year's program. >VEE is a unique conference in that it brings together diverse elements of virtual machine research, most notably operating system (OS) virtualization and virtual machines for implementing programming languages (PL). Reflecting the broad scope of the community, VEE this year is being co-located with ASPLOS, a cross-disciplinary conference that spans PL, OS and architecture research. Although VEE has its roots in the PL community, since 2007 it has had two program chairs - one each from the OS and PL communities. This year, for the first time, half of the program committee comes from each of these two communities. Also for the first time, over 50% of the submitted papers (and about two-thirds of the accepted papers) fell in the broad area of OS virtualization. >A total of 57 papers were submitted to VEE this year. This number was lower than for VEE 2007, perhaps because there was a short gap of less than 7 months between the 2007 and 2008 submission deadlines, in order to co-locate VEE 2008 with ASPLOS (VEE 2007 was co-located with PLDI in June). An informal classification of the submissions by the program chairs showed about 31 on OS-virtualization, 25 on PL virtualization (two of which had a significant OS component), and one unrelated to virtualization. This was a significant change from last year, when about two-thirds of the submissions were PL-related. One possible reason is that OS virtualization has recently been growing fast as a field of research, driven in part by strong interest from industry. >The program committee met in person near Chicago's O'Hare airport for a full day to discuss the papers, except for two members who phoned in. Every paper was discussed at least briefly at the meeting. The decision for every paper but one had a clear consensus, an important goal we set beforehand, and the one case that required a vote was not a close call. Overall, 18 papers were accepted, an acceptance rate of 32%. The committee explicitly decided to select papers purely on their individual merits rather than to strive for a balanced program between the OS and PL areas. The result is that twelve of the selected papers are related to OS virtualization and six to PL virtualization.
机译:我们很高兴欢迎您参加在美国西雅图举行的第四届ACM SIGPLAN / SIGOPS虚拟执行环境会议(VEE 08)。 VEE是展示和学习有关虚拟化各个方面的最新研究的主要场所,我们希望通过今年的计划可以进一步增强实力。


总共有57篇论文提交给VEE。年。这个数字低于VEE 2007,可能是因为2007年和2008年提交截止日期之间的间隔时间不足7个月,以便将VEE 2008与ASPLOS共同定位(VEE 2007与PLDI共同定位于6月)。 )。计划主席对提交的文件进行了非正式分类,其中约31个涉及OS虚拟化,25个涉及PL虚拟化(其中两个具有重要的OS组件),另一个与虚拟化无关。与去年相比,这是一个重大变化,去年约有三分之二的提交与PL有关。一个可能的原因是,OS虚拟化作为一个研究领域最近得到了快速发展,部分原因是受到行业的强烈兴趣。




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