
BALC: a Belief Extension of Description Logic ALC




Description Logics (DLs) are the logical foundations of Semantic Web. The most basic DL is the Attributive concept description Language with Complements (ALC). Other existing DLs are extended from ALC. All these DLs have an explosive entailment problem facing inconsistent knowledge. However, inconsistency is a main feature of general knowledge. Inconsistent knowledge frequently emerges in the practice of ontology engineering. It is important to extend DLs by the ability to deal with inconsistent knowledge. Belief is often used in para-consistent logic. A Belief extension of ALC, named BALC is proposed to reasoning with inconsistency. By appending belief annotations to ALC atomic concepts and roles, syntax and semantic of BALC are defined. Inconsistent knowledge can be represented in BALC without causing the explosive entailment problem. Decidability is a key feature of DLs. By designing a tableau-based decision procedure for concept satisfiability problem, decidability of BALC is proved.
机译:描述逻辑(DL)是语义Web的逻辑基础。最基本的DL是带补语的定语概念描述语言(ALC)。其他现有的DL是从ALC扩展的。所有这些DL都面临着知识不一致的爆炸性问题。但是,不一致是常识的主要特征。在本体工程实践中经常出现不一致的知识。通过处理不一致知识的能力来扩展DL很重要。信念经常用在准一致逻辑中。 ALC的Belief扩展(称为BALC)被提出用于推理时出现不一致的情况。通过将信念注释附加到ALC原子概念和角色,可以定义BALC的语法和语义。可以在BALC中表示不一致的知识,而不会引起爆炸性隐患。可判定性是DL的关键功能。通过设计基于表格的概念可满足性决策程序,证明了BALC的可决策性。



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