首页> 外文会议>International conference of the System Dynamics Society >Structural Changes in U.S. Dairy Farming and the Role of Government Policy

Structural Changes in U.S. Dairy Farming and the Role of Government Policy




Agricultural policy faces conflicting social goals. On one hand, efficient large-scale agricultureprovides an adequate, low cost food supply, but many Americans continue to idealize the smallerfamily farm, believing that it promotes a democratic society with strong values. The changingstructure of agriculture from many small farms to fewer but larger farms is a concern oftenexpressed. Many causes have been suggested to explain the decay in farm numbers andcontinual growth in average farm size. These include technological changes, lower productioncosts on larger operations, barriers to expansion due to large required investments in land,buildings, and equipment, opportunities for earning income by working off the farm, andgovernment policies that affect farm profitability. This research examines these factors and theirinteractions in the dynamic context of the U.S. dairy industry, with an emphasis on governmentpolicy intervention.
机译:农业政策面临着相互矛盾的社会目标。一方面,高效的大规模农业 提供足够的低成本食物供应,但许多美国人继续理想化较小的食物 家庭农场,认为它可以促进具有强大价值观的民主社会。不断变化 从许多小型农场到数量较少但规模较大的农场的农业结构常常引起人们的关注 表达。已经提出了许多原因来解释农场数量的减少和 农场平均规模的持续增长。其中包括技术变革,降低产量 较大的运营成本,由于需要大量土地投资而导致的扩张障碍, 建筑物和设备,在农场外打工赚钱的机会,以及 影响农场获利能力的政府政策。这项研究检查了这些因素及其原因 美国奶业动态环境中的互动,重点是政府 政策干预。



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