
Robotics-based location sensing using wireless ethernet




A key subproblem in the construction of location-aware systems is the determination of the position of a mobile device. This paper describes the design, implementation and analysis of a system for determining position inside a building from measured RF signal strengths of packets on an IEEE 802.11b wireless Ethernet network. Previous approaches to location awareness with RF signals have been severely hampered by non-linearity, noise and complex correlations due to multi-path effects, interference and absorption. The design of our system begins with the observation that determining position from complex, noisy and non-linear signals is a well-studied problem in the field of robotics. Using only off-the-shelf hardware, we achieve robust position estimation to within a meter in our experimental context and after adequate training of our system. We can also coarsely determine our orientation and can track our position as we move. By applying recent advances in probabilistic inference of position and sensor fusion from noisy signals, we show that the RF emissions from base stations as measured by off-the-shelf wireless Ethernet cards are sufficiently rich in information to permit a mobile device to reliably track its location.
机译:位置感知系统构建中的关键子问题是确定移动设备的位置。本文介绍了一种系统的设计,实现和分析,该系统用于根据IEEE 802.11b无线以太网网络上测得的数据包的RF信号强度确定建筑物内的位置。由于多径效应,干扰和吸收,非线性,噪声和复杂的相关性严重阻碍了以前利用RF信号进行位置感知的方法。我们系统的设计始于以下观察:从复杂,嘈杂和非线性信号确定位置是机器人领域中经过充分研究的问题。仅使用现成的硬件,在我们的实验环境中以及经过对系统的充分培训后,我们就可以在一米之内实现可靠的位置估计。我们还可以粗略地确定我们的方向,并可以在移动时跟踪我们的位置。通过应用来自噪声信号的位置推断和传感器融合概率推断的最新进展,我们表明,由现成的无线以太网卡测量的基站的射频辐射具有足够丰富的信息,可以使移动设备可靠地跟踪其地点。


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