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How to develop and grade an exam for 20,000 students (or maybe just 200 or 20)




Welcome to Northern Kentucky/The Southern Side of Cincinnati andto the Thirty-Third Annual Technical Symposium on Computer ScienceEducation. Prompted by the overflowing level of excitement ofrecent SIGCSE Symposia, this year's regular program extends anextra half day -- through Saturday afternoon. The program includesa wonderful collection of papers, panels, special sessions, forums,special activities for first-timers and students, posterpresentations, birds-of-a-feather sessions, and plenary sessions.Additional workshops now start on Wednesday afternoon and evening,and continue through Saturday evening and Sunday morning. Manythanks to all contributors for their efforts. Special thanks to theSIGCSE 2002 committee -- particularly Symposium Co-Chairs, JudithGersting and Renee McCauley, and Program Chair, Scott Grissom --for putting such a terrific program together.>This annual Symposium is the largest of the conferences that aresponsored by SIGCSE. Our next conference is the Seventh AnnualConference on Innovation and Technology in Computer ScienceEducation (ITiCSE 2002), to be held June 24-26, 2002, at theUniversity of Aarhus, Denmark.>Additional information on all SIGCSE activities may be foundthrough the SIGCSE Web page at http://www.acm.org/sigcse/. On-goingSIGCSE news is available through the SIGCSE list serve,SIGCSE.MEMBERS@aem.org. I f you are not already receiving messages,I encourage SIGCSE members to subscribe by following the links fromthe SIGCSE Web page!>I also encourage you to talk with SIGCSE Board membersthroughout the Symposium and especially at the SIGCSE BusinessMeeting on Friday afternoon. Please plan on joining us as weconsider fiature directions for SIGCSE.>The annual SIGCSE Technical Symposium on Computer ScienceEducation has long been recognized as the premier event in computerscience education. We believe this year's symposium will uphold thestandards of excellence established by the symposia of the past,thanks to the many people who participatedin its creation. Theseinclude all of you who contributed papers, proposals for specialsessions, panels, or workshops, those of you who served asreviewers, those who organized Birds of a Feather sessions or puttogether a faculty poster, or who brought student volunteers orvolunteered to lead a student session.>There is so much going on that SIGCSE 2002 is the firstsymposium to offer a schedule of three full days of technicalsessions. The program includes 74 papers, 13 special sessions, 13panels, 27 workshops, 28 faculty posters, 19 Birds-of-a- Feathersessions. There is a student track with 8 presentations designedspecifically to serve the interests of the student attendee.Co-located events include the SIGCSE Doctoral Consortium and theACM Student Research Contest. Elliot Soloway is the recipient ofthe 2002 SIGCSE Award for Outstanding Contributions to ComputerScience Education and is the keynote speaker, and Joe Turner is therecipient of the 2002 SIGCSE Award for Lifetime Service. RobertMartin, of Object Mentor, Incorporated, is the luncheon speaker.Exhibits feature new and exciting teaching materials in the form oftextbooks, hardware, and software. The traditional reception offersopportunities for renewing old friendships and making new ones. Thenew Saturday afternoon Forums offer opportunities for spiriteddiscussion on focused topics that we think will be of interest toall attendees.>The Proceedings you are now reading is the written summary ofmany of these activities, yet it doesn't completely capture theexcitement of SIGCSE 2002 and the dedication of the participantsand the symposium planners. The planning of this event has beenongoing for two years and has involved the time and talents ofmany.>Coordinating the reviewing process for this Symposium was awonderful experience for me. Working with the other volunteers andreading the careful reviews submitted by so many people from aroundthe world reinforced my pride and commitment to the SIGCSEcommunity.>The Symposium has gone completely'paperless'. Almost all of thepapers were submitted electronically and all of the reviews werecompleted online. All correspondence with authors, reviewers,committee members and session chairs was done via e-mail.>There were 234 papers submitted with 73 accepted (31%). Authorsrepresented eighteen countries: Argentina, Australia, Bangladesh,Brazil, Canada, Finland, Germany, Ireland, Israel, Italy, NewZealand, Pakistan, Scotland, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, UnitedKingdom, and the United States.>Over 400 reviewers completed over 1,100 reviews. Every paper hadat least three blind reviews and most papers had four or fivereviews completed. Program Committee members carefully read everyreview. Paper selection is always a difficult task. Unfortunately,we were forced to reject many qualified papers. Acceptancedecisions were based on the overall quality of a paper but topicarea was als0 considered to create a well-rounded program.
机译:欢迎来到肯塔基州北部/辛辛那提市的南侧,以及第三十三届计算机科学教育年度技术研讨会。由于最近的SIGCSE研讨会的兴奋程度高涨,今年的常规计划延长了半天-直到星期六下午。该计划包括精彩的论文,小组讨论,特别会议,论坛,面向初学者和学生的特别活动,海报展示,羽毛鸟会议和全体会议。另外的研讨会现在在周三下午和晚上开始,以及继续进行到星期六晚上和星期天早上。非常感谢所有贡献者的努力。特别感谢SIGCSE 2002委员会-特别是研讨会联合主席JudithGersting和Renee McCauley以及计划主席Scott Grissom共同完成了这样一个了不起的计划。

这次年度研讨会是最大的一次。由SIGCSE赞助的会议。我们的下一次会议是2002年6月24日至26日在丹麦奥尔胡斯大学举行的第七届计算机科学教育创新与技术年度会议(ITiCSE 2002)。


我还鼓励您在整个研讨会期间,尤其是在SIGCSE BusinessMeeting上与SIGCSE董事会成员进行交谈。星期五下午。请根据我们对SIGCSE的未来发展方向进行计划。


有太多事情要做,SIGCSE 2002是提供为期三天的技术会议时间表的第一个专题讨论会。该计划包括74篇论文,13个特别会议,13个小组,27个讲习班,28个教职员工海报,19个羽毛观鸟班。有一个专门针对学生参加者的兴趣而设计的8条演讲的学生专场,同时举办的活动包括SIGCSE博士联合会和the ACM学生研究大赛。 Elliot Soloway是2002年SIGCSE计算机科学教育杰出贡献奖的获得者,并且是主旨演讲者,而Joe Turner则是2002年SIGCSE终身服务奖的获得者。午餐会的演讲者是Object Mentor,Incorporated的RobertMartin。展览以教材,硬件和软件的形式展示了新颖有趣的教材。传统的接待会为更新旧友谊和建立新友谊提供了机会。新的星期六下午论坛提供了机会,可以就所有与会者都感兴趣的主题进行热烈的讨论。

您正在阅读的会议录是其中许多活动的书面摘要,但并未完全反映出来。 SIGCSE 2002的激动人心以及参与者和专题讨论会计划者的奉献精神。这项活动的计划进行了两年,涉及很多人的时间和才华。







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