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Natural and anthropogenic loading of dissolved selenium in Colorado River Basin




Selenium (Se) is an essential micronutrient, which becomes an environmental toxicant at higher concentrations. Large areas of farmland in Colorado River Basin (CRB) generate salinized drainage with Se concentrations >5 μg/L, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency chronic water-quality criterion for the protection of aquatic life. Almost all of the dissolved Se in the Colorado River and its tributaries is originally derived from the Upper Cretaceous Mancos Shale and equivalent pyritic marine units that outcrop in the Upper CRB. Selenium is mobilized commonly by biogeochemical oxidation of this pyritic shale and is concentrated mainly as selenate (SeO_4~(-2)) in soils and agricultural drainage water of dry climates by evaporation. Minor (0-5%) amounts of Se are present as the selenite (HSeO_3~- & SeO_3~(-2)), but these species and the more reduced Se have high sorptive affinity towards organic matter and iron oxyhydroxides. The concentration of Se in the Lower CRB water is constant (?2.5 μg/L), but extreme evapotranspiration rates in the Imperial Valley, California, increase Se values in irrigation drainage to up to ~300 μg/L. Anthropogenic activities have greatly increased the mobilization and cycling of Se in this Basin. Presently only ~20% of dissolved Se load and 47% of total salinity are attributable to natural sources. The bulk of Se load (~70%) results from irrigation, where Se concentrations in drainage water are greatly enhanced by high nitrates from fertilizers. The city of Vernal, Utah sewer lagoons and two coal-fired power plants contribute ~10% of total Se.
机译:硒(Se)是必需的微量营养素,在高浓度时会变成环境毒物。科罗拉多河流域(CRB)的大片农田会产生盐分排放的硒浓度> 5μg/ L,这是美国环境保护署为保护水生生物制定的长期水质标准。科罗拉多河及其支流中几乎所有溶解的硒最初都来自上白垩纪Mancos页岩和在CRB上游露头的同等的黄铁矿海洋单元。硒通常通过黄铁矿页岩的生物地球化学氧化而动员,并主要通过蒸发作用在土壤和干燥气候的农业排水中以硒酸盐(SeO_4〜(-2))的形式浓缩。亚硒酸盐(HSeO_3〜-和SeO_3〜(-2))中存在少量(0%到5%)的硒,但是这些物种和还原度更高的硒对有机物和羟基氧化铁具有很高的吸附亲和力。下CRB水中的Se浓度是恒定的(?2.5μg/ L),但是加利福尼亚帝国谷的极高蒸散速率使灌溉排水中的Se值增加到约300μg/ L。人为活动大大增加了该盆地中硒的动员和循环。目前,只有约20%的溶解硒负荷和47%的总盐度可归因于自然资源。大量的硒负荷(〜70%)来自灌溉,其中肥料中的高硝酸盐大大提高了排水中的硒含量。犹他州的维纳尔市下水道泻湖和两个燃煤发电厂贡献了总硒的约10%。



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