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Developing the Historical Technical Basis for the International Atomic Energy Agency Regulations for the Safe Transport of Radioactive Material: Material Classification, Package Classification, Package Test Requirements and Criticality Safety




International-level efforts began at the IAEA in 2010 to develop a comprehensive and detailed technical basis document (TecBasDoc) to support the current IAEA Transport Regulations (SSR-6, 2012) and future revisions thereto. A working draft of the TecBasDoc has resulted from efforts by IAEA staff and a large number of international transport experts. The draft, which currently exceeds 300 pages in length, is being developed using, to the greatest extent possible, historical documents dating as far back as the 1950s, as reference material. The ultimate intent of this effort is to capture, for all stakeholders in the international transport community (individuals, Member States, and international organizations), whether currently involved in the development or implementation of the transport safety regulations, new to transport, or the future generation of stakeholders involved in transport, the scientific and technical heritage of several decades of development in transport safety. It will thus preserve the knowledge and experience upon which the transport regulations are based for future reference. The latest effort, in December 2012, involved two consultants to the IAEA working to adapt the draft to reflect guidance from the IAEA’s Transport Safety Standards Committee (TRANSSC) and delving into the IAEA’s archives searching out many long-sought, older supporting documents. Efforts are underway to make this extensive historical document base as complete as possible and available electronically to the transport community. The current structure of the technical part of the TecBasDoc is: (a) General History, (b) The Fundamental Safety Principles, (c) Safety Objectives and Principles for Transport, (d) General Safety Requirements, (e) Radiation Protection, (f) Controls for Transport, (g) Classification of Materials, (h) Classification of Packages, (i) Package Design and Testing, (j) Prevention of Criticality, and (k) Approval and Statutory Requirements. These are accompanied by a number of supporting appendices and annexes. This paper will summarize the status and examples of key discoveries and typical findings that have been incorporated into the draft document. The many experts who have contributed to the current draft are appropriately acknowledged.
机译:国际一级的努力在2010年开始在国际原子能机构制定了全面,细致的技术基础文件(TecBasDoc),以支持当前IAEA运输条例(SSR-6,2012)和未来修订于此。该TecBasDoc的工作草案已经导致由原子能机构工作人员和大批国际运输专家的努力。该草案目前的长度超过300页,正在开发使用,可能的,历史文献的日期可以追溯到在1950年代在最大程度上,作为参考材料。这项工作的最终目的是为了捕捉,在国际运输界的所有利益相关者(个人,各会员国和国际组织),目前是否参与运输安全法规,新的运输,或在今后的发展中或实施代的利益相关者的参与运输,几十年的发展在运输安全的科学和技术遗产。因此,将保留的知识和经验,在其运输法规都是基于以供将来参考。最新的努力,在2012年12月,涉及两名顾问国际原子能机构合作,以适应草案反映了原子能机构运输安全标准委员会(TRANSSC)指导和钻研国际原子能机构的档案搜索了许多长期追求的,旧的证明文件。目前正在努力使这一广泛的历史文档库尽可能完整和电子方式提供给运输业。该TecBasDoc的技术部分的目前的结构是:(一)通史(二)基本安全原则,(三)安全目标和原则运输,(d)一般安全要求,(E)辐射防护( F)控制交通,(G)材料的分类,(H)封装,(我)包装设计和测试,关键性的(J)预防和(k)审批和法定要求的分类。这些都伴随着一批配套附件及附件。本文将总结状态和已纳入文件草案的关键发现和典型调查的例子。许多专家都谁在目前的草案作出了贡献适当承认。



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