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The Serial Concatenation of Rate-1 Codes Through Uniform Random Interleavers




Until the Repeat Accumulate codes of Divsalar, et al. (4), few people would have guessed that simple rate-1 codes could play a crucial role in the construction of "good" codes. In this paper, we will construct "good" linear block codes at any rate r < 1 by serially concatentating an arbitrary outer code of rate r with a large number of rate-1 inner codes through uniform random interleavers. We derive the average output weight enumerator for this ensemble in the limit as the number of inner codes goes to infinity. Using a probabilistic upper bound on the minimum distance, we prove that long codes from this ensemble will achieve the Gilbert-Varshamov bound with high probability. FInally, bu numerically evaluating the probabilistic upper bound, we observe that it is typically achieved with a small number of inner codes.
机译:直到Divsalar等人的“重复累积”代码为止。 (4),很少有人会猜到简单的1率编码可能在“良好”编码的构造中起关键作用。在本文中,我们将通过统一的随机交织器将任意速率的r外码与大量的rate-1内部码串行连接起来,从而以r <1的任何速率构建“良好”的线性分组码。当内部代码的数量达到无穷大时,我们就得出了该集合的平均输出权重枚举数。使用最小距离上的概率上限,我们证明了来自该集合的长码将以高概率实现吉尔伯特-瓦尔沙莫夫边界。最后,通过数值评估概率上限,我们观察到它通常是通过少量内部代码来实现的。



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