首页> 外文会议>Federal interagency hydrologic modeling conference >A computer model to predict salmonid fry emergence

A computer model to predict salmonid fry emergence




The salmonid fry emergence computer model was developed to determine fry survival and emergence as a function of physical parameters in the redd. The criteria in the percent fry emergence model were developed to reflect average habitat requirements that will provide realistic estiamtes of percent fry emergence. The model is applicable to rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss), steelhead trout (O. mykiss), and chinook salmon (O. tshawytscha), However, the concepts should be applicable to salmonid species, in general, after making the appropriate modifications for the species of interest. The models uses a binary criterion for survival due to temperature and dissolved oxygen with mortality calculated for the proportion of gggs exposed to lethal levels. The only physical parameter that fractional emergence values are derived from i ssubstrate size and composition. This is a reflection of the amount of entrapment experienced by the emerging fry. Model predictive equations and survival criteria were incorporated into a Fortran 77 program.
机译:开发了鲑科鱼苗出苗计算机模型,以确定鱼苗的成活率和出苗率,作为红豆中物理参数的函数。炸出百分比模型中的标准是为了反映平均栖息地需求而提出的,可以提供炸出百分比的现实估计。该模型适用于虹鳟(Oncorhynchus mykiss),硬头鳟(O. mykiss)和奇努卡鲑(O. tshawytscha),但是,这些概念通常应适用于鲑科鱼类,并对其进行适当的修改。感兴趣的物种。该模型使用因温度和溶解氧导致的存活率的二进制标准,并根据暴露于致死水平的gggs的比例计算了死亡率。分数出现值唯一的物理参数是从基板尺寸和组成中得出的。这反映了新兴鱼苗的诱捕量。模型预测方程式和生存标准已合并到Fortran 77程序中。



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