首页> 外文会议>Asia-Pacific biochemical engineering conference;APBIOCHEC'97 >N-terminal mutations of the human estrogen receptor gene alter expression and function of its protein product

N-terminal mutations of the human estrogen receptor gene alter expression and function of its protein product




A novel recombinant expression system is described for production of full-length, highly-active receptor proteins of the steroid/thyroid hormone superfamily of genes. Systematic site-directed mutation of the amino-terminus sequence of the human estrogen receptor gene fused to the ubiquitin gene generated three classes of mutants. One group, composed of mutant receptors containing either asparagine, aspartic acid, glycine, histidine, isoleucine, leucine, phenylalanine, proline, tryptophan or tyrosine, generally exhibited characteristics similar to those of wild-type receptor. Mutations with valine, threonine, lysine or arginine at the N-terminus, essentially eliminated expression and characteristic hER activities. However, a new class of hER-mutant molecules were generated in high quantities with superior properties for binding both (~3H)17beta-estradiol and the vitellogenin A2 ERE, as well as transactivation of a model gene in a yeast cell-based bioassay. Hyper-active mutant hER contained either alanine, cysteine, glutamic acid, glutamine, or serine at the amino-terminus. The striking efficiency of recombinant mutant hER produced in simple yeast expression systems suggests reagent quantities of these labile regulatory proteins may be generated for detailed structural and functional analyses.
机译:描述了一种新型重组表达系统,用于产生基因的类固醇/甲状腺激素超家族的全长,高活性受体蛋白。与泛素基因融合的人雌激素受体基因的氨基末端序列的系统定点突变产生了三类突变体。一组由含有天冬酰胺,天冬氨酸,甘氨酸,组氨酸,异亮氨酸,亮氨酸,苯丙氨酸,脯氨酸,色氨酸或酪氨酸的突变受体组成,通常表现出与野生型受体相似的特征。在N端与缬氨酸,苏氨酸,赖氨酸或精氨酸的突变,基本上消除了表达和特征性hER活性。然而,大量新型的hER突变分子产生了,具有结合(〜3H)17β-雌二醇和卵黄蛋白原A2 ERE的优异性能,以及基于酵母细胞的生物测定法中模型基因的反式激活。高活性突变体hER在氨基末端含有丙氨酸,半胱氨酸,谷氨酸,谷氨酰胺或丝氨酸。在简单酵母表达系统中产生的重组突变体hER的惊人效率表明,可能会生成这些不稳定调节蛋白的试剂量,以进行详细的结构和功能分析。



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