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11 Enumeration of petroleum hydrocarbon utilizing bacteria




In-situ biological treatment is one among a number of emerging technologies that may be applied to the remiediation of contaminated soils and groundwater. In 1985, a surface spill of 1, 500 gallons of dielectric transformer oil at the Sandia National laboratories (HERMES II facility) re-sulted in contamination of soil up to depths of 160 feet. The extent of contamination and site characteristics favored the application of in-situ bioremedation as a potential remedial technology. The purpose of this research was to enumerate indigenous microbial populations capable of degrading petroleum hydrocarbons. Microbial enumeration and c haracteriztion methods suitably adapted for hydrocarbon utilizing bacteria were used as an incidator of the presence of viable microbial consortia in excavated oil samples with hydroocargon (TPH) concentrations ranging from 300 to 26,850 ppm. Microbial activity was quantified by direct and streak plating soil samples on silica gel media. Effects of toxicity and temperature were studied using batch cultures of hydrocarbon utilizing bacteria (selectively isolated in an enrichement medium), at temcroorganisms from contaminated soils from depths of 60 to 160 feet, and with oil concentration ranging from 300 to 26,850 ppm. About 62
机译:原位生物处理是许多新兴技术中的一种,可以应用于污染土壤和地下水的缓解。 1985年,桑迪亚国家实验室(HERMES II设施)发生了1,500加仑的绝缘变压器油1,500加仑的表面泄漏,最终污染了160英尺深的土壤。污染程度和部位特征有利于将原位生物修复技术用作潜在的修复技术。这项研究的目的是枚举能够降解石油碳氢化合物的本地微生物种群。适用于碳氢化合物利用细菌的微生物计数和特征分析方法被用作一种指示剂,用于检测在石油烃(TPH)浓度范围为300至26,850 ppm的挖出的油样中是否存在有生命的微生物聚生体。通过在硅胶介质上直接和条纹电镀土壤样品来定量微生物活性。在细菌从污染土壤深度为60至160英尺,油浓度为300至26,850 ppm的细菌生物中,使用细菌(选择性地在富集培养基中进行分离)对碳氢化合物进行分批培养,研究了毒性和温度的影响。约62



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