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Edgar on the internet: delight and dilemma




The Securities and Exchange Commission's (SEC) EDGAR database allows users to retrieve documents that contain important financial information from publicly traded companies. The EDGAR database was available on the Internet Town Hall from January 1994 through September 1995. The Internet Town Hall was a service provided by the Internet Multicasting Service, a non-profit organization that relied upon a government grant to distribute EDGAR data This site distributed almost 17,000 EDGAR documents each day. When the Internet Town Hall closed its service, the SEC responded to public demand for EDGAR decuments by making them available on its World Wide Web site. While the SEC is disseminating this information for free, numerous corporations are charging a fee for the same data. Although the free EDGAR database has been a boon to those seeking this type of information, it raises the following issues: centre dot How do the government's services compete with commercial information providers? What level of service does the government provide in regard to timeliness, customer service and access methods? centre dot What impact does the government's services have on commercial information providers and how is the private sector dealing with this competion? This paper will address the EDGAR system, the retrieval process and the above mentioned issues.
机译:证券交易委员会(SEC)的EDGAR数据库允许用户从公开交易的公司检索包含重要财务信息的文档。 EDGAR数据库可从1994年1月到1995年9月在Internet Town Hall上使用。InternetTown Hall是Internet Multicasting Service提供的一项服务,Internet Multicasting Service是一个非营利性组织,它依靠政府的拨款来分发EDGAR数据。每天有17,000份EDGAR文件。互联网市政厅关闭服务后,SEC通过在其万维网站点上提供EDGAR GAR纸来回应公众的需求。在SEC免费分发此信息的同时,许多公司都对同一数据收取一定的费用。尽管免费的EDGAR数据库对寻求此类信息的人来说是一个福音,但它引起了以下问题:中心点政府的服务如何与商业信息提供者竞争?政府在及时性,客户服务和访问方法方面提供什么服务水平?中心点政府的服务对商业信息提供者有什么影响?私营部门如何应对这一竞争?本文将讨论EDGAR系统,检索过程和上述问题。



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