首页> 外文会议>Conference on intelligent robots and computer vision: Algorithms, techniques, and active vision >Eye for design: why where and how to look for causal structure in visual scenes

Eye for design: why where and how to look for causal structure in visual scenes




Abstract: addressing the problem of visual recognition, we need to understand what the result of visual cognition is: What is new in memory after a scene has been understood? For an agent that is to interact with the scene, the most important result of visual understanding is an analysis of the causal structure of the scene: How motion is originated, constrained, and prevented, and what will happen in the immediate future. With respect to the agent's goals, such an understanding describes the scene in terms of its functional properties - how the agent may interact with the scene. In order to arrive at such an understanding, a robot must have a sophisticated theory of how the world is designed. We discuss some of the consequences of this view for the construction of purposeful vision systems, and show examples from our own work in the understanding of complex scenes. !24
机译:摘要:在解决视觉识别问题时,我们需要了解视觉认知的结果是什么:理解场景后内存中的新内容是什么?对于要与场景进行交互的主体,视觉理解的最重要结果是对场景的因果结构的分析:运动是如何产生,约束和阻止的,以及在不久的将来会发生什么。关于代理的目标,这种理解是根据场景的功能属性(代理如何与场景交互)来描述场景的。为了达成这样的理解,机器人必须具有复杂的世界设计理论。我们讨论了此视图对于构建有目的的视觉系统的一些后果,并展示了我们自己的工作在理解复杂场景中的示例。 !24



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