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Quantification of dynamic changes in water absorption coefficient of water at Er:YAG and CO/sub 2/ laser wavelengths

机译:量化Er:YAG和CO / sub 2 /激光波长下水的吸水率的动态变化



Summary form only given. The number of clinical applications using erbium-based and CO/sub 2/ lasers continue to grow even though the mechanism(s) of the photoablation process are not well understood. The prediction(s) of laser-tissue interaction have been based upon the low intensity, room-temperature absorption spectrum data for water published by Hale and Querry. Since water constitutes 70-80% of virtually every type of soft tissue, it has been hypothesized that the absorption of IR radiation, particularly in the 3-/spl mu/m region, would lead to efficient cutting of tissue while minimizing residual thermal damage to the surrounding tissue. However, the room-temperature absorption spectrum of water does not accurately describe the absorption of IR radiation by tissue under high fluence levels. Studies employing a variety of lasers and techniques to generate short pulse radiation in the 2.7-3-/spl mu/m region have consistently reported the formation of deeper craters and wider zones of thermal damage than predicted by ablation models based on the low-intensity absorption spectrum of water. The objective of the present study was to quantify the dynamic changes in the absorption coefficient of water as a function of incident fluence at 2.94, 9.6, and 10.6-/spl mu/m.
机译:仅提供摘要表格。即使对光烧蚀过程的机理还不太了解,使用using基激光器和CO / sub 2 /激光器的临床应用数量仍在不断增长。激光与组织相互作用的预测是基于Hale和Querry发表的低强度室温水吸收光谱数据。由于水实际上构成了每种类型的软组织的70-80%,因此已经假设吸收IR辐射,尤其是在3- / splμm/ m区域,将导致组织的有效切割,同时最大程度地减少残留的热损伤到周围的组织。但是,水的室温吸收光谱不能准确地描述高通量水平下组织对IR辐射的吸收。使用各种激光和技术在2.7-3- / splμm/ m范围内产生短脉冲辐射的研究一致报告,与基于低强度的消融模型所预测的相比,形成了更深的弹坑和更宽的热损伤区水的吸收光谱。本研究的目的是量化水吸收系数随入射通量的变化,分别为2.94、9.6和10.6- / spl mu / m。



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