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Increase flexibility and security in prepayment, through the use of a separate consumer interface




This paper introduces the split-metering technology as it relates to prepayment metering systems. There is an element of demand side management (DSM) benefit to be gained through the use of these meters. One of the prepayment meter design drivers is the user interface function. The split-meter has separated the user interface unit (UIU), from the main body of the meter called the measurement and control unit (MCU). An important issue for utilities is the element of "value added", and what is it that will satisfy growing customer demands for enhanced products and services. The split-meter is just one of the tools that can be used by the utility to offer quality customer service. There are some significant market demands that will influence the technology decision such as social acceptance of a system, degree of nontechnical losses (tampering), limited access to the customer's premises and the customer's need to budget for their energy consumption. The split-meter communication platforms can be combined to control the utilisation of the often scarce energy resource through "tokenless vending". All of the usual benefits of the prepayment method can be retained, except that the purchased credit token can be delivered automatically to the MCU without customer intervention. The customer will then use the UIU as an information interface so that he is able to better manage his energy consumption.



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