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Possible Countergradient Variation In Growth Ofjuvenile Cod Gadus Morhua From The northwest Atlantic

机译:西北大西洋幼鳕鳕Gadus Morhua的生长可能出现反梯度变化



To test the countergradient variation (CnGV) hypothesis and determine any genetic differences among populations, we conducted an experiment with juvenile cod originating from 3 regions in the NW Atlantic, 3Ps (Placentia Bay, Newfoundland, Canada; 48° N, 54° W), 4T (southern Gulf of St. Lawrence; 46° N, 61° W), and 4X (44° N, 67° W), at 2 temperatures (7 and 11°C) for 15 wk. Results indicated that temperature influenced the growth rates of individuals in all 3 populations, and juveniles reared at 11°C were significantly bigger (length and weight) than those reared at 7°C. No significant differences in growth and food conversion efficiency were found among the 3 populations. Although 3Ps juveniles were significantly smaller in length and lighter in weight than 4T and 4X juveniles at the start of the experiment, length and weight did not differ among populations at the end of the experiment. Survival of both 3Ps and 4T juveniles was significantly higher than that of 4X cod in both high and low water temperature treatments. Although statistical analyses showed no significant differences in growth and food conversion efficiency among juveniles from the 3 populations, reaction norm analysis showed a strong genotypic influence on growth and survival (no genotype x environment interactions) but a genotypic x environment interaction in food conversion efficiency. Our results suggest that Atlantic cod juveniles from these 3 regions do not show CnGV in growth and food conversion efficiency. However, performance differences among populations may be stage specific, and this may have masked CnGV in traits among Atlantic cod populations in our study.
机译:为了测试反梯度变异(CnGV)假设并确定种群之间的任何遗传差异,我们使用了来自西北大西洋3Ps(加拿大纽芬兰的Placentia湾;加拿大北纬48°,北纬54°)的3个地区的幼鳕鱼进行了实验。 ,4T(圣劳伦斯湾南部; 46°N,61°W)和4X(44°N,67°W),在2个温度(7和11°C)下持续15 wk。结果表明,温度会影响所有3个种群的个体生长速度,在11°C饲养的幼鱼(长度和体重)显着大于在7°C饲养的幼鱼(长度和体重)。在这三个人群中,没有发现生长和食物转化效率的显着差异。尽管在实验开始时3Ps幼虫的体长明显比4T和4X幼体轻得多,但在实验结束时种群之间的长度和体重没有差异。在高水温和低水温处理中,3Ps和4T少年的存活率均显着高于4X鳕鱼。尽管统计分析显示这3个种群中的未成年人的生长和食物转化效率没有显着差异,但反应规范分析显示,基因型对生长和存活有很强的影响(无基因型x环境相互作用),但在食物转化效率中有基因型x环境相互作用。我们的结果表明,这3个地区的大西洋鳕鱼幼鱼在生长和食物转化效率上均未显示CnGV。但是,种群之间的性能差异可能是特定于阶段的,在我们的研究中,这可能掩盖了CnGV在大西洋鳕鱼种群之间的性状。



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