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The transistor: from Lillienfield to Landauer, to...? transistor scaling limits

机译:晶体管:从利利恩菲尔德到兰道尔,到...? 晶体管缩放限制



Summary form only given. This paper describes ultrasmall transistors using the conceptual picture and simulation techniques that are being developed to explain conduction in molecules. After describing a simple picture of conduction in molecules, it applies that approach to the nanoscale MOSFET and shows that it leads to a simple, but physically insightful view of the ultrasmall MOSFET. Quantum kinetic simulations are then used to examine realistic issues for "end-of-the-roadmap" MOSFETs. Next, it addresses the question of whether any transistor (e.g. Ge, InAs, carbon nanotubes, or conjugated organic molecules) can provide a significant advantage over the silicon MOSFET. The paper concludes with a brief discussion of the fundamental limits that apply to any transistor and with some thoughts on where electronic device technology is heading.
机译:仅提供摘要表格。本文使用概念图和仿真技术描述了超小型晶体管,这些技术正在开发以解释分子中的导电性。在描述了分子中导电的简单图之后,它将该方法应用于纳米级MOSFET,并显示出它导致了对超小型MOSFET的简单但从物理角度出发的见解。然后,使用量子动力学仿真检查“路线图终点” MOSFET的现实问题。接下来,它解决了以下问题:是否有任何晶体管(例如Ge,InAs,碳纳米管或共轭有机分子)可以提供比硅MOSFET更大的优势。本文最后简要讨论了适用于任何晶体管的基本限制,并对电子设备技术的发展方向进行了一些思考。



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