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Linear code construction for the 2-user binary adder channel




This paper deals with the construction of a class of binary uniquely decodable code pairs (C/sub 1/, C/sub 2/) for the two-user binary adder channel (2-BAC), where C/sub 1/ is a linear code. The generator matrix G for code C/sub 1/ has the property that any of its columns has at most a single 1 among its K elements. These codes are called strongly orthogonal codes in the sense that the Hadamard product of any two rows of G is the all-zero n-tuple. The proposed 2-BAC codes achieve the upper bound for the sum rate when the rate of C/sub 1/ is greater than or equal to 1/2. Block and bit synchronization is assumed between the users and the receiver.
机译:本文讨论了针对两用户二进制加法器通道(2-BAC)的一类二进制唯一可解码代码对(C / sub 1 /,C / sub 2 /)的构造,其中C / sub 1 /是一个线性代码。代码C / sub 1 /的生成器矩阵G具有以下特性:它的任何列的K个元素中最多只有一个1。在G的任意两行的Hadamard乘积为全零n元组的意义上,这些代码称为强正交代码。当C / sub 1 /的比率大于或等于1/2时,建议的2-BAC码达到求和比率的上限。假定用户和接收器之间进行块和位同步。



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